Harlan Ward's About Page

Hello everyone and welcome to my About page. Here you can learn about myself, my interests and current goings-on.

Basic Facts

Pseudonym: Harlan Ward

Age: None of your business!

Gender: Male

Interests: Philosophy, pedagogy, electronics, movies, "weird" literature, architecture, tabletop games, languages, and video games I can unplug my brain to (ask me tomorrow and I'd likely have different interests!)

I am currently working as a teacher in both computing and media studies, while studying for my PGCE. This is something I am planning on documenting and working within for at least the next two years, and so far I have loved every minute of it.

Current goals (~2 years)

  • Complete my PGCE
  • Complete a Masters
  • Make a game
  • Relearn the keyboard
  • Get into photography
  • Turn this webpage into a digital garden
  • These are obviously pretty optimistic, but since most of them concern hobbies, I don't think there's anything too bold in simply engaging with those hobbies with the aim to create something out of them.

    2024 © Harlan Ward