** Warehouse: Early stages of a PICO-8 game ** ----------------------------------------------- I've had the idea for a while (roughly since my 2nd year of university) of writing a story about an employee in an infinitely large storage facility. Their driving motivation is the fact that in this warehouse, every single object that exists in the universe is contained within individual boxes, and these boxes are organised in order of their value to people. In other words, the more "objectively" important an object is, the closer one is to the true center of the warehouse. The story would then be about the protagonist travelling to this center as it would seemingly contain an object capable of providing his life with pure, undistilled meaning. My issue with this story (apart from it sounding a little too pontificating) is the fact that I have no idea what to include between the beginning and end. Nevermind the fact that I'm not qualified enough to assert what the most meaningful thing in the universe is (if you are, drop me a message!) Because of this, the idea sat on the backburner for a little while, not quite abandoned but not really developing over time. Then I found out about the PICO-8 fantasy console from a fellow neocities user that I am quite a fan of (links to anything I refer to will be at the bottom of this document). They are using it to create a Bejeweled-esque puzzle game, and I was immediately enamoured with the deliberate restrictions the console puts on the user making a game. I've always sort of believed that when you put constraints on yourself in creating something, it resultsmin something a lot more impressively simple and elegant than ifmyou had unlimited resources at your disposal. I guess I'm trying to say that having to fit everything inside a box can sometimes be a good thing if your idea is attempting to push its way out. Fast-forward to the early hours of this morning, I would guess it was around 2AM - I am thinking about making a game on this thing and trying desperately to come up with any ideas that are actually worth making and - more importantly - worth playing. It is at this point I remember my Warehouse story idea, and at that point I felt everything slot into place. It could be a randomly generated exploration game, where the player must find their way through a random configuration of warehouse zones, finding various items in each box. They need to keep watch of their hunger and sanity when traversing the space, and attempt to create beneficial items through a simple crafting system (two items become one, and that function is explained through the concatenated name of its two parts). The player could also have rare encounters with NPCs that don't get in the way, but spoonfeed lore regarding the warehouse and the objects it contains. I got real excited about the possibility of actually bringing this idea to life - finally! However it isn't lost on me that I've never even designed a game before, so I have started taking notes on the best way to implement the features I would want to see from a game like this. That'll involve familiarising myself with the PICO-8 system, and playing through games with similar mechanics and themes. This is more an exercise of intuition; what mechanics just feel right for me as a player, and what are the most practical methods in implementing them as a programmer? Especially when I'm working with a framework as lightweight as PICO-8, I need to create as safe a balance between fun and simplicity as possible without compromising too much of the core idea. I expect some stuff will have to go, but I won't know for sure until I get a little more acquainted with the console and the other cool things people have made with it. ** References ** ---------------------------------